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The Arthur Square Class of Instruction

The Arthur Square Class in Belfast has three of the fifty Elected Members of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. We meet every Thursday of every month, September through to March, from 7:00pm until 9:00pm. The Arthur Square Class has a rich a varied masonic programme, covering general opening and closing, obligations, conducting and receiving candidates, degree work (Entered Apprentice, Feloowcraft and Master Mason Degree's) as well as other aspects of lodges business, such as ballot and testing, calling up and down the lodge, processions and other odds and ends The Class also assists an Master Elect with the preparation for their Installation Ceremony. The class provides any Master Elect with the opportunity to practice, Installing his Officers and governing the Lodge, the class covers every eventuality from the opening of the Lodge to reception of Grand or Provincial Grand Senior Officers.

The Ideal candidate is one who has just received his third degree, if there are any Brother Master Mason's out there, call into the Class in Arthur Square and see how relaxing and enjoyable the experience can be. Possibly the name "Class" is a misnomer, as it conjures up pictures of schooldays past. Come along and you will see that it is a place to make new friends as well as to learn the ritual in an agreeable atmosphere and ask any questions you may have as to the whys and wheres. You will learn from the best Instructors this Island has to offer, they do give up a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure those attending classes have all the tools required to manage any communication in the year.

The Master can achieve excellence through self taught methods and without having to attend Class, but the younger Members below him look to his example in all things and think they can do the same without instruction, it's too late when they find out they cannot, Lead your Lodge by example and expect your Junior Officers to follow, question why, if they do not, you will be doing them a service in doing this, and no more than is expected of a Worshipful Master.

Senior Lodge Officers should still attend classes, this is especially true of Directors of Ceremonies, this is one of the most important Offices in a Lodge, and must be done well, his work on the floor reflects on the Lodge as a whole, he ensures his Deacons are aware of their positions during our Ceremonies, his job is to assist the Master in the preparation and running of the Lodge, he must have a good working knowledge of our ceremonies and ritual, good man management skills are vital, no Lodge can afford to lose Members through tactless instruction, we are after all volunteers, and the Brethren react better to the carrot than the stick, so encourage rather than criticise, the Class will help you to improve personally and in turn your Lodge will benefit.